Image: By marrio31 from Getty Images Signature

Hey Ripple Makers! Let’s chat about leadership, shall we? Not the old-school, yawn-inducing kind, but the kind that has you sitting on the edge of your seat, eager to make a splash in the world. You're not just any leader; you're a trendsetter in the making, and it's time to mix things up!

Stepping Up Your Leadership: 8 Essential Changes

1. Bye-Bye, Feedback Fears!

Remember when feedback was as welcome as a snowstorm in July (well, I wouldn’t go THAT far)? Well, not anymore! I’ve switched gears, seeking out constructive criticism like it's the latest trend. Why? Because that’s where the gold is! Feedback is like your personal business coach, pushing you to be your best. Embrace it, learn from it, and watch yourself become an even better kick-ass leader!

2. Flexibility is the New Black

Gone are the days of sticking to a plan like superglue. Now, it's all about embracing change and new ideas like they're going out of style (which they never do!). Being flexible in business is like being that friend everyone relies on - everyone sees the value and wants in on that know-how.

3. Personal Growth for the Win

Neglecting personal development is so last year. Now, I’m all about leveling up my skills and knowledge. Think of it as the ultimate power-up in your entrepreneurial game. Each new ability you learn is like getting an extra piece for your puzzle.

4. Delegation: Your New Best Friend

I used to think doing everything myself was the badge of a true leader. Spoiler alert: it's not! Delegating is like throwing an epic party and inviting all the right people. It empowers others, frees up your time, and guess what? It works wonders for your business!

5. Owning Your Mistakes

Blame game? Nope, not playing that!. Taking responsibility and learning from mistakes is where it's at. Mistakes are not just oops moments; they're your stepping stones to greatness. Fall down seven times, stand up eight – with style!

6. Comfort Zones? What's That?

Sticking to what you know is like eating the same sandwich every day – boring! I’m now all about taking risks and fostering innovation.

7. Perfectionism: Ditched

Perfectionism is so overrated. I’ve embraced the messiness of making mistakes because, guess what? That’s how we grow!

8. Clear Expectations for the Win

Not setting clear goals? That's a no-go. Now, I’m all about clarity – it’s the secret sauce to team success. Think of it as drawing a treasure map for your team; everyone knows where to go, and the X marks the spot of success!

Image: Dilok Klaisataporn Getty Images

The Ripple Effect of Leadership

Ever wonder about the ripple effect of your leadership style? You're more than just a leader; you're the one setting trends, dictating the pace, and transforming the game. Your approach to leadership is the driving force behind your business success.

Witness the Change

No more frills, just real, tangible results. My journey to full-time dedication at Ripple Effect Leadership in 2023 was a rollercoaster of growth, challenges, and triumphs. And guess what? I’m just getting started!

2024: Stretch Those Leadership Muscles!

This year, let’s ditch the cliché resolutions and aim for leadership stretch goals.

  • Embrace Unconventional Leadership: Forget stereotypes; your actions define your impact.

  • Cultivate Collaborative Connections: Create networks that spark creativity and growth.

  • Fun at the Forefront: Let’s make 2024 a year of blending business with fun. Transform leadership into an exciting adventure, one project at a time.

  • Productivity with Purpose: It’s not about doing more, but doing what matters. Build practices that lead to meaningful outcomes.

💬 So, tell me, which of these leadership changes resonate with you the most? Are you ready to strengthen your leadership skills?

Thank you so much for reading. if you enjoyed reading this post, please consider joining my email list and stay up-to-date with my services, programs and free resources to empower you to lead - regardless of your experience.

Janic 💜

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Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership

Elevating Business Leadership with Asana: My Game-Changing Experience


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