5 Proven Team-Building Hacks for Sustainable Growth in Your Business

You want your business around for a long time, not just a good time!

And the best way to do that is to prioritize sustainable growth. This means you adopt and maintain a culture and processes which guarantee increased output over the long term.

Who will implement those processes and ensure sustainable growth?

You and your team, of course!

Let's break free from the traditional team mold, shall we? When I talk about "team," it's not just about 9-to-5 staff. Think bigger, think outside the box!

Your dream team can be a colourful mix of talents, from contract wizards to part-time superheroes, and full-time rockstars.

Embrace the possibilities, and let your business soar to new heights!

Here are five proven team-building hacks for sustainable growth in your business:

1. Encourage Creativity

How do you safeguard your business against a decline in productivity? With creativity hacks centered around just that.

There’s now research to back the claim that creativity boosts productivity.

So, you can stop feeling guilty about wanting to buy a colouring book as an adult!

Build your team up by suggesting creative activities during their breaks, including doodling, free writing, and colouring.

Get more ideas for creative productivity hacks in my recent blog.

The word creativity and in the background  is a variety of colours including yellow blue and orange.

2. Hold Team-Building Activities

Team building activities are more group focused. Teams need to be built up both as individuals and as a collective (Remember, there’s no I in — you know the rest!).

So, how can I make team-building more fun?

Here’s the shortlist of some activities you can hold:

●      Colour together

●      Do a Show and Tell

●      Do WORDLE and share strategies

●      Host a Leadership Race

●      Play “What if?”

●      Put on a contest

●      Work on puzzle sets together (virtual or in-person)

If you’re not sure what any of these are or need a breakdown on how to carry them out, here are part one and part two of my team-building activities series.

3. Practice Transparency and Fairness

A sustainable growth formula doesn’t work without a level of transparency and fairness. Both require high-level communication skills.

You want to let conversations within your team flow naturally, so they learn to trust you and to be more comfortable with you and each other.

Maintain that trust by respecting everyone’s opinion. Create an environment that is feedback-friendly and offers an option for anonymity. And make known any and all ways your team can share their ideas.

It’s also important to highlight your team members’ strengths, while you address and eliminate toxic behaviours.

As much as you can, be open, be just, and be kind.

Puzzle pieces with one that says the word trust on it.

4. Be Flexible and Stay Balanced

Team cohesion benefits greatly when you offer a level of flexibility for your team. These days, this typically looks like some combination of in-office work and remote work.

If your team is online, flexibility could refer to giving team members a say in their work schedule and their number of hours. For freelance workers, it might mean flexible deadlines or choices about their workload.

Flexibility improves worker satisfaction and increases engagement regardless of whether you’re in-house or virtual. It further protects everyone’s work-life balance, which has significant long-term benefits for your business.

5. Live Out Your Core Values

This last team-building hack for sustainable growth is simple:

Live out your core values so that your team is inspired to do the same.

Core values, in practice, are guaranteed to enhance sustainable growth for your business. So play them out and let the ripple effect do its work!

Sustainable Growth with A Kick-Ass Leadership Mindset

You can rest assured of your business’ longevity if you implement all the above. However, not all of us have the right mindset to carry out these team-building hacks optimally.

That’s where I come in!

My latest course called Kick-Ass Leadership will empower you to hire wisely, manage yourself and others confidently, and lead by example through a strategic mindset to create sustainable growth in your business.

Join the course here!


Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership


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