Is it Working? What To Look for in Effective Leadership Programs for Your Business

As a sensible business owner or entrepreneur, you know investing in a leadership program is worth it — but only if said program is effective.

Not all leadership programs are worth their time or financial investment. A lot of that $60 billion (wowzers!) that organizations spend on leadership training worldwide goes to waste.

I don’t want that for you.

Today, I’ll show you how to identify effective and legitimate leadership programs to help you guide yourself and your business toward growth and success.

What does meaningful leadership training look like? What should a leadership program include?

Let’s dive into it.

Your Business Goals and Leadership Program Goals Are Aligned

The skills you gain from most leadership development programs are widely applicable.

We’re talking about communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the like. However, your leadership program objectives should always tie into your business’ overarching goals.

What specific goals of the leadership development program align with your business’ unique vision?

Does the program even define goals, or is it open-ended?

If you can’t connect a program’s goals to your business objectives, maybe you can request a more tailored fit to support your business strategy, culture, and goals (this is something Ripple Effect Leadership offers clients).

The Program Focuses On Your Whole Self

The focal point of many leadership programs is business. However, the ‘business you’ can’t thrive without the ‘personal you’ (although the show Severance begs to differ).

If your head isn’t on straight when you’re out of the office, chances are you won’t see success in the office either.

An effective leadership program focuses on whole-person development. Ideally, there are exercises to build your confidence and self-awareness, improve your relationships, and enhance your outlook on your work and biz.

You may gain new insights that unlock new meaning and purpose for you. This shift tends to have very far-reaching effects.

If a leadership development program is just as helpful to your business as it is to your personal life, it’s a winner.

So look for programs that force you to slow down, reflect, and shift your perspective in a structured and guided manner. Because that, my friends, carries a lot of value.

Effective Leadership Training Offers Sustainable, Long-Term Impact

Lengthy leadership development programs aren’t necessarily better. One study even showed that shorter leadership programs are sometimes more effective.

Not just short and sweet, but short and efficient!

And arguably, the most important part of a leadership development program is when it ends. Because that’s when you find out if it was worth it.

A legitimate leadership program won’t have you on a high immediately after, only to fade away.

With the right program, you’ll enjoy a long-term, sustainable transformation based on your new skills, habits, and advanced leadership mindset.

You can cement this evolution through repeated reminders, and by changing how you engage with your work as well as those you lead.

Basically, you need to follow through.

However, an effective leadership program will make the process gratifying and provide you with the necessary tools to line your strengths up with your new leadership behaviours, so that ongoing application is as effortless as possible.

Virtual Leadership Training Takes The Cake!

We’ve established that not all leadership programs are created equal.

But just how easy is it to level up your leadership development program and gain maximum force for you and your business?

Why, it’s as simple as turning on your laptop at home! Hear me out.

Virtual leadership programs are no less effective than in-person ones. Online learning, with its convenience, efficiency, and lower cost, extends to the adult world.

And this month, I’m hosting a FREE and LIVE Leadership Training Program so you can have a piece of the pie!

Boost confidence in your leadership, build a solid foundation for future hiring, and shift your mindset so you can KICK-ASS when you step into your unique leadership style!

Sign up here. 

Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership

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