Master Team Collaboration with These Four Engagement Hacks

Engagement — it's the word of the day, eh?

It’s discussed in more traditional lines of work, all over the front and backend of social media, and now, you’ve realized it’s crucial for your small business.

Engagement is the bee's knees because it hypes up your team members and allows them to contribute directly to business development.

The right engagement hacks pave the way for increased productivity, improved satisfaction from customers, healthier team members, and more

...Basically, an engagement strategy produces a ripple effect (😉) and has immense benefits for your entrepreneurial growth.

By default, an engagement strategy enhances collaboration when team members share goal-oriented activities.

So here are four engagement hacks to increase team collaboration and build a rewarding company culture.

Use Music to Take The Edge Off

It's the universal language of connection.

Music is the end all be all when it comes to establishing bonds among people. It allows team members to let go and have fun in a way that will enable everyone to see each other’s humanity.

Get into the collaborative groove with an activity like karaoke, which helps people to destress and revitalize themselves. Or hold an office DJ party to take your team members' minds off work for a while.

Short on time because of deadlines? You can hold 1-to-5-minute dance parties to ease your team quickly and refresh their minds.

The more people experience that raw human connection, the easier it is to have harmonious collaboration.

Offer Leadership Training and Other Growth Opportunities

In one LinkedIn poll, a whopping 94% of employees said they'd stay in a position if they had been given training and development.

Growth and development opportunities are a top-tier way to show your team how much you appreciate them.

Plus, training takes away from the monotony of work, and can truly add value beyond their professional life.

There are tons of ways to help your team members grow, but I personally think leadership training is the best way to start. And I offer my own affordable training opportunities backed by years of experience.

Celebrate Your Team's Performance and Wins

Being recognized for one’s efforts is a serious morale booster.

If you want to use this engagement hack, take it beyond the basic (and boring!) employee-of-the-month-type strategy.

We're in an age of internet overwhelm, after all!

There are lots of ways to take a collaborative approach to performance rewards.

You can:

  • Buy a deserving team member lunch

  • Encourage peer-to-peer shoutouts

  • Give out non-cash prizes for small wins

  • Hold an awards ceremony

  • Say thank you regularly

Take my word for it: even a little bit of recognition goes a looong way!

Hold Team-Building Activities

A collaborative team is a strong team.

Team-building activities put your team on the fast track to effective collaboration, especially activities where your colleagues are divided into — you guessed it — teams!

But you need not divide your team up at all.

Some of the best team-building activities will involve all members, leading to a healthy collaborative unit eager to work together to make your business successful.

Need some ideas? Head over to parts one and two of my team-building series.

Build A Kick-Ass Team

Intentional team collaboration is one of the key aspects of successful team leadership. But I’d be lying if I said there weren’t lots more to it!

In my Build A Kick-Ass Team program, I cover the internal and external changes that you can make to see a real difference in your entrepreneurial journey. This includes mindset, self-leadership, hiring, and team development.

The program is a step-by-step guide you can do at your own pace, so there’s little that can go wrong! But if you need my help, I also provide ongoing support.

See the full offering and join my program here.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I'll see you soon with another one!

Janic 💜


PS: Hey Ripple Maker…

Do you avoid organizing your email inbox because it’s just too overwhelming? Have you convinced yourself there is no way to organize it? What if I told you that I’ve helped many students of my “Own Your Inbox” training session go from 10,000’s emails to 100’s in just an hour? Learn more here

Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership

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